The Coalition For A Safe Environment welcomes you to our Wilmington Community Weather Station. The Coalition For A Safe Environment (CFASE) is a non-profit organization in the City of Los Angeles Community of Wilmington, California. We are operating our professional weather station as a community service and welcome volunteers to join us in a supporting a fun community project. The Wilmington Community Weather Station provides 24/7/365 weather, climate change and environmental air quality information.
Student Interns
The Wilmington Community Weather Station offers student internship opportunities for individuals interested in a career in meteorology, weather news writer, weather news reporter, weather station management, weather station equipment technician, computer & software analyst and weather-climate scientific research.
Winter News
Winter is coming and now is the time to prepare your family and home for rain and storms. The first thing to do is get out and inspect all your personal rain gear. Do you have your raincoats, umbrellas, hats and waterproof boots? Inspect your roof, windows and chimneys for broken, missing or worn out tiles, asphalt shingles, metal awnings and seals which may leak when rain starts.
Why is Wilmington’s Annual Average Temperature Higher than Los Angeles, California and the US?
Wilmington is a victim of Microclimate impacts due to the many large industries located in Wilmington and especially the three major oil refineries which generate a tremendous amount of heat in their oil refining processes. The Wilmington community is surrounded on three sides by three major oil refineries. The oil refineries operate 24hrs. a day as their normal course of business and Environmental Impact Reports that have been prepared in the past have never assessed microclimate heat impacts to the Wilmington community. There has never been a comprehensive study of the negative microclimate heat impacts to the environment, public heath, economic or vector mosquito impacts on small Environmental Justice Communities like Wilmington.
We Want Nice Wilmington Weather Photos
Have you taken a nice Wilmington weather photo please send it to us and we may add it to our website photo gallery. We are looking for Sun, Clouds, Rain, Hail, Flooding and Rainbows. You will be credited with your name under your photo.
California Air Resources Board Funds Wilmington Weather Station
The Coalition For A Safe Environment was awarded a Supplemental Environmental Project (SEP) Grant to establish the Wilmington Community Weather Station.
Where is Wilmington?